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Are You Married to Your Boss?

It’s one thing to be married to your job. It’s another to be married to your boss.  Over the last thirty years, there seem to be more and more couples opting to wed their home and work lives. The research shows an increase from 500,000 to over 800,000 couples in business together.

My wife has worked with me in my counseling/coaching practice for 20+ years. We have experienced both the highs of connection and the lows of conflict.  There is a beautiful connection working towards a meaningful goal together, knowing some of the same people, having flexibility with schedule and enjoying accessibility to a quick hug and conversation.  However, we have experienced conflict by having unrealistic expectations, blurring work/home boundaries, and not understanding each others strengths. There were times we did not appreciate the leadership value that we both brought to the business. There have been moments when I have said, “If we weren’t married, I would fire you.”

How did we resolve it?  More on that later!

If you are contemplating starting a business with your spouse or you are currently running a business together, you’ll benefit by checking out my website and getting a complimentary report called, “Married to Your Boss: 13 Success Strategies to Prosper in Business and Love.”

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