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Creating An Engaged Workplace Culture


Champion Your People Like Your Business Depends On It

You’ve heard this before: Invest in your people.

Then I ask , “How do you champion your people like your business depends on it?”

Employee Engagement

If engaged employees are the most valuable assets a company can have. Creating an engaged workplace culture is an investment in the health and future of your company.

It’s more than a buzzword— employee engagement is a term backed by research and data that measures four things:

Emotional commitment


Investment in the workplace


It’s a tool for understanding how to get the best from your employees.

Worldwide, only 13% of workers are engaged in what they do. The vast majority, 63%, is non-engaged. They are satisfied with a job that provides benefits or income, but they aren’t emotionally present in their workplace. These are people who are just going through the motions. Employers can make the most significant difference here by creating that connection and inspirational spark.

Another 24% of the workforce is actively disengaged. These people suck morale, complaining or talking bad about the company. This segment also needs addressing, whether moving the employee to another position that would be a better fit or removing them from the team altogether.

Q12 Engagement Assessment

So how do you know where your employees fall on the spectrum? I use an Employee Assessment tool called the Q12. Read an In-depth Analysis of the Q12 Survey here.

Basically, it’s a simple twelve-question assessment that provides a baseline for your company and can be compared with other world-class companies to see how your employees measure up. From there, you can determine what changes need to be made.

When I work with clients, we give the Q12 Employee Engagement Assessment as a pre-test, create an action plan, and measure the results with a post-test. So you’ll get actual data on what areas to target and which strategies are effective.

Remember, creating a culture of workplace engagement is bigger than increasing one person’s job satisfaction. Although individual attention and focused employee coaching are key, your company will need to make large company-wide policy changes. In addition, cultures change when institutions change.

Remember, creating a culture of workplace engagement is bigger than increasing one person’s job satisfaction.

If you want to create a workplace culture where your employees are invested, creative, and productive, I recommend starting with strengths. Engagement increases when people know what they’re good at and can apply their skills to workplace tasks. Download this free resource on strengths and employee engagement.

You can also schedule a call to ask questions about starting workplace training and coaching for the employee engagement process now!

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