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More Fun for Couples:Your Top 20

The other night, my wife and I were watching a fun sitcom called “The King of Queens.” The couple was arguing, feeling distant, and wondering if they still had anything in common. Then they had an idea–both would write a list of 20 things they liked to do and compare the lists.

My wife and I decided to make lists, too. At first we giggled because it was harder than we thought to think of 20 fun activities. Finally we completed our lists and shared them with each other. The sharing was half the fun. Wow, we had 11 fun activities (that’s 55%) out of 20 in common. Those activities were: reading, travel, going out to dinner, going out with friends, tasting new wines, hosting parties, going to church, watching a movie together, going out to a nice dinner, cooking/grilling together, swimming/laying out in the sun, and exercising.

In “The King of Queens,” the couple only came up with only one fun activity in common. Though disappointed, they made a commitment to be on the lookout for fun activities they could share.

Why don’t you come up with your top 20 fun activities with your spouse, partner, children, family, or friends?  Let me know how it goes!

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