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Developing Your Talent and Career

Decorative: DEVELOPING YOUR TALENT AND CAREER feature image with a large room with professionals from all walks of life engaging in networking and growing

Developing your talent and career is more important than ever in today’s competitive job market. By doing so, you can increase your chances of finding a job that you’re passionate about and that allows you to use your skills and abilities to the fullest.

There are many ways to develop your talent and career. One way is to take advantage of training and development opportunities offered by your employer. These opportunities can help you learn new skills, improve your existing skills, and develop new knowledge.

You can also develop your talent and career by taking on new challenges and responsibilities at work. By doing so, you can demonstrate your skills and abilities to your employer and increase your chances of advancement.

Another way to develop your talent and career is to continue your education. There are many ways to do this, such as taking online courses, attending workshops, or getting a degree. Continuing your education can help you stay up-to-date on the latest trends in your field and increase your earning potential.

Finally, you can develop your talent and career by networking with other professionals in your field. Networking can help you learn about new opportunities, meet potential employers, and get advice from people who are already successful in your field. Masterminds are a great way to learn AND network.

Developing your talent and career is an ongoing process. By taking the time to invest in yourself, you can achieve your professional goals and make a positive impact on the world.

The Varsity Management Formula

The Varsity Management Formula, created by Donald Clifton, is such a valuable tool for anyone looking to turn their talents into strengths and achieve greater productivity. The formula is based on the idea that talent, relationships, expectations, and rewards are all essential for high performance.

It looks like this:

T (R + E + R/R) = P3
Talent (Relationship + Expectations + Rewards/Recognition) = Per Person Productivity



The first step in the Varsity Management Formula is to identify and develop your talent. Talent is something that you are naturally good at. It is something that comes easily to you and that you enjoy doing.

There are many different ways to identify your talent. You can take a talent assessment, talk to people who know you well, or simply reflect on your own strengths and interests.

Once you have identified your talent, you can start to develop it. There are many ways to do this, such as taking classes, getting training, or simply practicing on your own.


The second step in the Varsity Management Formula is to build strong relationships with others. These relationships can provide you with support, encouragement, and feedback.

There are many different ways to build strong relationships. You can start by getting to know people who share your interests. You can also join clubs or organizations where you can meet new people.


The third step in the Varsity Management Formula is to set clear expectations for yourself and others. When you have clear expectations, you can focus your energy on achieving your goals.

There are many different ways to set clear expectations. You can write down your goals, talk to your manager or supervisor, or simply make a plan of action.

Rewards and Recognition

The fourth and final step in the Varsity Management Formula is to reward yourself and others for a job well done. When you reward yourself, you are reinforcing positive behavior.

There are many different ways to reward yourself. You can take a break, go out to dinner, or simply give yourself a pat on the back.


The Varsity Management Formula is a simple but effective way to develop talent and achieve success. By following the steps in the formula, you can reach your full potential and make a positive impact on the world.

And if you need further guidance you can participate in one of my masterminds  or contact me directly at Ask Brent Anything.

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