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Lead and Work With Your Ideal Calendar

Featured image for Brent's Blog lead-and-work-with-your-ideal-calendar, a woman diligently working on her own calendar


Recently during one of my leadership masterminds, a member asked how they could maximize their calendar for more productivity. This is a question that is at the heart of so many business conversations. How do we make the most efficient use of our time? So, I thought I’d go over how you can best lead and work with your ideal calendar.

If you’re anything like me or if you’re a leader, a business owner, or anyone just wanting to be more productive with your life and work, then this ideal calendar methodology can help. I’ve been using it myself for many, many years now, and it has really helped me to play the long game, be more productive, and have plenty of margin and space in my life for freedom.

The first thing is I really want to encourage you to prioritize your top 5 work activities into buckets. As an example, my top 5 buckets include creating content, managing and communicating with the team, serving customers or clients, maintaining the business, and handling delegated or automated tasks.

Now, I have Focus as my number 1 strength. I was able to drill down to my 5 buckets quickly. It’s okay if focus doesn’t come as easily to you, just take some time to definitively figure out and rank your priorities.

Once you have those buckets and their order, it’s time to implement this methodology in your own life and work. Here are 5 practical tips to help you create and get the most out of your ideal calendar:

[av_dropcap2 color=”default” custom_bg=”#444444″]1[/av_dropcap2] Block Out Time for your Top 5 Work Activities
As mentioned earlier, identify your top 5 work activities and allocate dedicated time for each of them in your calendar. This will ensure that you prioritize these activities and make progress on them consistently. Whether it’s spending time on your vision and strategy, managing your crew, serving your travelers, handling maintenance tasks, or taking care of yourself, be intentional about scheduling time for each of these buckets in your calendar.

[av_dropcap2 color=”default” custom_bg=”#444444″]2[/av_dropcap2] Be Realistic with your Time
When creating your ideal calendar, be mindful of how much time each task or activity requires. Avoid overloading your calendar with too many tasks or appointments, as this can lead to burnout and decreased productivity. Instead, be realistic about how much time you need for each activity and give yourself some buffer time to account for unexpected interruptions or delays.

[av_dropcap2 color=”default” custom_bg=”#444444″]3[/av_dropcap2] Set Boundaries
Setting boundaries is crucial for maintaining work-life balance and preventing work from taking over your personal life. Be clear about your working hours and try to stick to them as much as possible. Avoid scheduling work-related tasks or appointments during your designated “me time” or personal time. Setting boundaries will help you create a healthy balance between work and personal life and prevent burnout.

[av_dropcap2 color=”default” custom_bg=”#444444″]4[/av_dropcap2] Learn to Say “No”
It’s important to prioritize your time and energy on tasks that align with your goals and values. Learn to say no to tasks or commitments that don’t add value to your work or personal life. Saying no can be challenging, but it’s essential to protect your time and avoid overcommitting yourself.

[av_dropcap2 color=”default” custom_bg=”#444444″]5[/av_dropcap2] Review and Adjust Regularly
Your ideal calendar is not set in stone. It’s important to review and adjust it regularly. Take the time to assess how well your ideal calendar is working for you and make necessary adjustments based on your changing priorities and commitments. Be flexible and open to making changes as needed to ensure that your ideal calendar remains effective in helping you achieve your goals.

Creating and implementing an ideal calendar can be a powerful tool for increasing productivity, maintaining work-life balance, and achieving your goals. Remember, the key is to be intentional and proactive in managing your time and schedule. With practice and consistency, you can master the art of working with your ideal calendar.


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